Dutch course

Get the basics from the Dutch language course, learn the Dutch required for family reunification in the Netherlands or Belgium

Why the Dutch language course?

The Dutch language is spoken by 10 million or more people in the world, so come and get the initial knowledge from the Dutch language course, learn the Dutch required for family reunification or for studies. The course is held for all levels, from beginner to advanced level (A1-C2)

The lecture takes place in two forms and the days are set according to the agreement with the Lecturern.

What do you learn in these Dutch language courses?

The European System offers unique opportunities for language learning across Europe. These Dutch language courses in Pristina take place in six standardized levels, this system describes the skills that each student will have to pass through. Sira Academy offers Dutch language courses based on the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Level A1 – You can talk about basic things like where you live and what your hobbies are.
Level A2 – You can communicate basic information, and express your needs.
Level B1 – You can manage everyday situations and if you travel to the Netherlands or Belgium, you can easily overcome most situations, talk about your experiences and views.
Level B2 – You can communicate even casually, and that fluently.
Level C1 – You don’t need to look up the words, because you can speak Dutch in any situation.
Level C2 – You understand everything you read and hear. You can also talk in detail.

For who?

For all ages, with a special focus on students and professionals interested in acquiring specific language skills.




  • 400 Euro level and its 4 months
  • Those interested can call 049 814 738 or contact the email address: info.siracademy@gmail.com
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