Useful sentences and expressions in German

Lessons can be followed on a computer, laptop, phone or tablet. ?? Students will be provided with certificates upon completion of each level.

These phrases can be helpful in everyday conversations and interactions with German speakers. Remember that pronunciation is important in German, so try to listen to native speakers or use online resources to practice the correct pronunciation.

  1. Guten Morgen. (Good morning.)
  2. Guten Tag. (Good day.)
  3. Guten Abend. (Good evening.)
  4. Hallo. (Hello.)
  5. Auf Wiedersehen. (Goodbye.)
  6. Danke. (Thank you.)
  7. Bitte. (Please/You’re welcome.)
  8. Entschuldigung. (Excuse me/I’m sorry.)
  9. Ja. (Yes.)
  10. Nein. (No.)
  11. Wie geht es Ihnen? (How are you?)
  12. Mir geht es gut. (I’m doing well.)
  13. Ich verstehe nicht. (I don’t understand.)
  14. Sprechen Sie Englisch? (Do you speak English?)
  15. Wo ist…? (Where is…?)
  16. Wie viel kostet das? (How much does it cost?)
  17. Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? (Can I pay with a credit card?)
  18. Wo ist die Toilette? (Where is the restroom?)
  19. Ich hätte gern… (I would like…)
  20. Prost! (Cheers!)

These phrases can be helpful in everyday conversations and interactions with German speakers. Remember that pronunciation is important in German, so try to listen to native speakers or use online resources to practice the correct pronunciation.

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☎️ 044 488 160


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